Made by: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Trenbolone Acetate
Package: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
is an injactable steroids manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals. It was designed in the beginning for veterinary medicine but it is widely used by bodybuilders and one can find Trenbolone Acetate for sale very easy on the black market. It is a very strong androgenic steroid, which in addition has an anabolic effect. It provides fast and strong gain in strength without a significant increase in body weight. This steroid does not have the affinity to water retention therefore it is prefered by powerlifters who wish to remain in a certain weight category. The increase strength provided can be compared to that of well-known mass steroids like Dianabol, Anadrol 50, Testosterone. The thing about trenbolone ace is that it plays a big role in burning fat. It is very popular in precontest phases among professional bodybuilders, as it contributed to a good elasticity of the muscles with an already relatively low percentage of body fat. With proper nutrition it can help to achieve pretty good gain in strength and quality muscle mass while bringing an improved look of density and hardness to the muscle tissue. Trenbolone Acetate does not aromatize, thus estrogen related side effects are not a concern during a cycle. The addition of an anti-estrogen is not necesarry since gynecomastia is not a concern with this compound. What an athlete should be aware of when using Trenboxyl Acetate is that it will suppress the natural testosterone production even more then testosterone does even if it does not have the affinity to convert to estrogen. This proves us that estrogens are not the only hormones that can effect the endogenous testosterone production. It's increased suppressive action comes from it's strong androgenic effect.
Since this drug is a short ester, it has limited duration, and therefore requires frequent and regular injections. Most athletes administer 30 mg every other day, although there are people that inject 30 mg per day, 60 mg every other day or more, and this leads to a huge increase in power and muscle mass of great quality. Trenbolone Acetate has a tremendous effect on the body if stacked with Winstrol. Bodybuilders use 30 mg every day or every other day in a stack with Winstrol Depot 50 mg also every day or every other day during bulking phases, as well as in preparation for a competition and experience great increase in strength. No other combination is able to provide such incredible elasticity, and such an obviouslly increase in muscle mass. The possibility of such a transformation of the body in a few weeks seems shocking to a profane in steroid use. It can be also stacked with Dianabol or Anadrol 50 and should provide an increase in muscle mass and strength in record time.
Unfortunately, all the positive aspects that were mentioned above are outweighed by side effects that can occur from use of Trenboxyl Acetate. It is quite toxic to the liver, and also can cause pain in the right and left kidney. The first symptoms of possible damage to the kidneys is dark urine. Therefore it's not advised to use trenbolone acetate in high doses and long term. In addition to that, one should consider increaseing several times the intake of liquid, which will help to flush the kidneys. Trenboxyl Acetate can cause severe androgen related side effects both for women and men. Athletes often complain of headaches, nosebleeds, increased pressure, oily skin with acne and some times increased aggressiveness. It is still unexplained why it leads to high-pressure, as it does not aromatize and thus does not cause water retention which is generally associated with this problem. The condition of the human body may be deteriorated by increased secretion of sweat glands. Tren Ace causes significant change of mood. Comsumers are usually easily excitable and can quickly "explode". As mention above, it effects quite hard the endogenous testosterone production. Therefore the use of a testosterone stimulating drugs such as HCG, Clomid/Nolvadex is advisable. Women, even after using this compund for a short period experince undesirable virilization simptoms, often irreversible. Yet many top athletes include this substance in their preparation for the championship program. Trenbolone acetate is a steroid for professionals and is not suitable for a dilettante or beginner. It should be used by advanced users and athletes who thinks about participating in a show.
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