Oral Steroids

Substance: Oxandrolone
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 60 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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Oxandrolon general description

Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (Oral)
Active Life: 8-12 hours
Average Dose: Men 20-50 mg/day......Women 5-15 mg/day
Water Retention: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes, c17-alfa-alkylated steroid. Due to low doses, toxicity is low to medium
Acne: Only in higher doses
Aromatization: No

Oxandrolon, also know as anavar, is a 17 alpha alkylated oral steroid made by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, and as the rest of steroids from this class it is supposed to be very harsh on liver but it's not. The contrary it is tolerate quite well. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is known to be very middle with low androgenic activity and a very safe steroids. One study shows that Oxandrolon has a very low sulfobromophthalein retention. It actually produces 72% less sulfobromophthalein retention then flouxymesterone and everybody knows that this compounds have similar effect on the liver. This is why there are almost no reports of any problems with this drug and it is considered by many bodybuilders to be the safest to use steroid in a long term oxandrolon cycle then other hormones with the same properties. This steroid is a derivate of dihydrotestosterone and this explains his lack of androgenic properties. Many would say it is nonsense since it is a derivate of dihydrotestosterone this should make it more androgenic and an anavar (oxandrolone) cycle should cause more side effects , but it's not true. It is already a 5-alpha reduced so it doesn't have the ability to interact with the enzyme called 5-alpha reductase and it can't convert to a more potent di hydro form. What is typical for Oxandrolon, and actually for other oral anabolic steroids, it has a short half life. There are now exact numbers on this matter but some studies show that in the first 10 hours a steady elevation of this steroid in the blood was noticed. In the next 8 hours the the drug concentration was lowered by 73%. This mean that if you want a higher concentration of this substance in the blood for 24 hours then you need to take two doses in a day. Anavar (Oxandrolone) doesn't aromatize that's why it can provide linear growth.

Oxandrolon Use

Anavar (Oxandrolone) can provide strength increase and quality muscle gains and at the same time it is not the best to use steroids for bulking cycles. Most of the bodybuilders use it for cutting or in case water retention is the last thing you want to experience during your cycle. The average daily dose for a man is 15-25 mg. Depending on you desires, in an Anavar cycle one can also include other anabolic/androgenic steroids like halotestin, proviron or trenbolone. Such stacks are good for athletes that are aiming for muscle hardening and at the same time this will have a positive affect on their fat reduction. Oxandrolon can be also used together with injectable steroids like Primobolan or Winstrol in case you are looking for a more cut or ripped body. There are people that include oxandrolon in a bulking cycle along with methandrostenolone or Testosterone. In this case you will experience an extra strength gain and a more quality look to the androgen bulk. Since this drug has now virilization effects at low doses it can be used by women without fear. An ordinary dosage would be 5 mg/day. At this dosage anavar side effects shouldn't be noticed and at the same time the athlete will experience considerable muscle growth. A preferable cycle for this steroids would be in a stack with Stanozolol, Primobolan or Durabolin. From such a stack you should expect more pronounced muscle building effects.

Anavar Side effects

Since this product doesn't convert to estrogen a lot of anavar side effects that are common for other steroids are not noticed. With this product there is no need in ancillaries like clomid, nolvadex or hcg when used in small doses as it has low influence on the production of testosterone. Of course if taking higher doses there will occur a suppression on the natural production of the hormone testosterone. In this case a post cycle therapy will be needed to restore bodies normal ability to produce testosterone after using Oxandrolon.

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