Oral Steroids
42.00 USD

Substance: Stanozolol
Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Packing: 100 tabs (10 mg/tab)

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Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Active Life: around 48 hours
Average Dose: Men 50-100 mg/day.....Women 25-50 mg/week
Water Retention: Rare
Liver Toxic: Yes
Acne: Rare
Aromatization: No

General Description

Stanodex is an anabolic androgenic steroid made by Sciroxx. Stanozolol is a derivate of DHT (dehydrotestosterone) and at the same time it is much milder. DHT provides a lot of androgenic side effects while stanozolo the contrary provides quality muscle growth. Anabolic properties of Stanodex are not so accentuated as of other anabolic androgenic steroids and it is still a very good muscle builder. Since it does not convert to estrogen water retention is not a concern with this compound and it can produce a lean, quality look to your body. This is the main reason why this steroid is preferred for cutting cycles and is loved by people who practice sports in which should be emphasized strength and speed and where excess water retention is an unwanted thing. Due to the fact that this substance does not aromatize there is no need to worry about gynecomastia and so an anti-estrogen would be unnecessary. Oral winstrol is 17-alpha alkylated and this makes him more stressful for the liver then the injectable version of stanozolol. Female bodybuilders think of stanozolol as being a quite tolerable compound. Most of them prefer oral winstrol to the injectable form as a tablet is much more easier to divide up then a 1cc amp since 50mg injection will be a too high dose.

How to use this steroid?

Stanodex can be stacked with other anaboloic/androgenic steroids depending on the result you are looking for. If one wishes to do a bulking cycle it would be good to stack it with more potent androgens like Testosterone, Methanodex or Oxydex. In this case the athlete will experience lower estrogenic activity then if using the above mentioned steroids alone but at the same time the anabolic effect will be quite noticeable since one will gain considerable muscle mass and water retention will be reduced to minimum. If you are concerned of the possible side effects that can occur with other compounds then it's better to stack Stanodex with steroids like Primodex, Nandrodex and Stanodex in a cycle together with non-aromatizing steroids like trenbolone or halotest. If one stacks this compound with other 17-alpha alkylated steroids the length of this cycle should be kept under 6-8 weeks. For women the average dose is from 5 to 10 mg daily. Female athletes prefer oral stanozolo instead of the injectable form as it is easier to split up a pill in smaller doses then and amp. If they still decide to use injectable stanozolol a dose of 25mg every 3'nd of 4'th day will be preferable. Although there are athletes that will take 25mg every other day.

Side effects

From the most significant side effect that this steroid can cause is the damage that it can do to the liver. The oral version will cause a higher level of damage then the injectable form since it is a 17-alpha alkylated. Because of this one should regularly check the liver values in case of a longer cycles or higher doses. Another problem with this compound is it's undesired effect on HDL/LDL cholesterol level if the doses are higher then normal. The oral form is considered to have a greater effect because of the method of administration.

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