Equidex 200
Injectable Steroids
Equidex 200
65.00 USD

Substance: Boldenonen Undeclynate
Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Packing: 10ml vial (200 mg/ml)

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Equidex general description

Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Active Life: 14-16 days
Average Dose: Men 400-600 mg/week; Women 50-150 mg/week
Water Retention: Low
Liver Toxic: No
Acne: Rare
Aromatization: Moderate, about 50% less than testosterone

Equidex is an injectable anabolic steroid made by Sciroxx which contains 200 mg/ml of Boldenonen Undeclynate ester and is also known as Equipoise. This ester is a result of an attempt to make a longer acting injectable version of dianabol. What was actually created does act nothing like methandrostenolone. To create the boldenone steroid, a testosterone molecule was modified by adding a double bond between first two carbon atoms. This explains why Boldenone Undecylenate is as anabolic as testosterone. Although it exhibits similar proprieties with testosterone, it is half as androgenic. You will experience less mass gains when using equipoise compared to the same amount of testosterone but at the same time the strength increase will be similar for both steroids. Most people would compare this boldenone steroid to deca thinking of it as a steroid that acts the same as nandrolone decanoate but only in a stronger maner. This is not quite true as Boldenone Undeclynate is less effective then Deca in a mass building cycle but is a far better drug if your goal is strength increase. This compound is a longer ester then Nandrolone Decanoate that is why you should expect a slow and constant buildup of muscle from an equipoise cycle. Thus equidex is able to create muscles at a lower rate then Deca The detection time of this steroid is quite long. It can produce detectable metabolites months after cycle. This is why it is not advised for drug tested athletes to use it in preparation for their contest.

Equidex Use

As it was stated above, boldenone steroid is a long acting ester, this is why we advise to extend the equipoise cycle to last at lease 12 weeks. One will experience a slow built up from use of boldenone undecylenate but at the same time quality gains will be kept for a longer period after the equipoies cycle is finished. You should remember that Boldenone Undeclynate is detectable in urine for a pretty long period of time. The recommended and most effective dose is 400-600 mg/week. One can stack equidex with other steroids, due to the fact that it is a quite fickle drug, and can create a number of cycles with this steroid depending on the results one is looking for. If it is used for a bulking effect one should consider stacking equidex with injectable anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Enanhate or a Testosterone Blend. Anadrol is also a good choice for a bulking cycle. From such combinations you should expect for muscle size and strength increase with less pronounced side effects than if using it alone at a higher dose. For cutting cycles it is recommended to use such drugs as trenbolone acetate, winstrol or halotestin.

Equidex Side Effects

The good thing about Equidex is that it provides pretty good gains compared to the intensity of side effects that it can cause. The main side effects is its ability to increase red blood cells. Although this is common to the most compounds boldenone steroid does this at a higher rate. As many other anabolic steroids, Boldenone Undeclynate converts to estrogen but it conversion rate is about half that of testosterone. Water retention is low with this steroid but it is a little higher than that with Nandrolone Decanoate. An other side effect from using equidex is increase of appetite. The reason for which many will include it in their bulking cycle. The side effect of this drug also depend on the dosage and. If taken in average doses, side effects will occur only in those who are sensitive to estrogen. Some androgenic effects such as virilizing, acne and hair growth are quite common when using higher doses or in long term use. In case estrogen effects start becoming noticeable it would be reasonable to add Nolvadex to the cycle. An other option would be Aromasin or Arimidex but it's not that necessarily with such a mild steroid


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