Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Anastrozole
Package: 30 tabs (1 mg/tab)

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Arimixyl 1mg by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

General information

  • Active ingredient name: Anastrozole
  • Pharmaceuticals group: selective aromatase inhibitors
  • Common brand names: Arimidex
  • Common form and dosage: Tablets, 1 mg per pill

Application and effectiveness

  • Bodybuilding Application: Steroids Cycle, Post Cycle Therapy

Dosage range and duration of use

  • Beginners: 0.2 mg - 1 mg/day
  • Professionals: 0.25 mg - 1 mg/day
  • Women: 0.25 mg - 1 mg/day
  • Whole duration of Steroids Cycle (optional during post-cycle therapy)

Purchasing and pricing information

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Arimixyl: $35 per 30 pills

Dragon Pharma Arimidex: $70 per 100 pills

British Dragon Anastrozole: $54 per 50 pills

Side effects

• Flushes (hot flashes and Blush)

• Fatigue

• Headache, nausea

• Depression

• Sleep disorders

• Deterioration of Cholesterol levels

Arimixyl is a selective aromatase inhibitor manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals that comes in pills form and contains the active ingredient Aanastrozole.

Anastrozole is used in conventional medicine for advanced breast cancer and by athletes to prevent excessive aromatization of steroids, reducing estrogen levels and estrogen-related side effects.

It reduces estrogen levels by 70% with a single 1mg dose and by 80% with daily administration for 14 days.

Even 6 days after the last dose, a significantly reduced estrogen level was still measured.

Effects And Uses Of Arimixyl

It works by partially blocking the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone into estrogens that promote tumor growth, and can reduce estrogen levels by 70-80% with daily administration.

Athletes use Arimixyl  to suppress or avoid estrogen-related side effects such as increased fat and water storage, and to achieve optimal hardness and definition before a competition.

However, completely eliminating estrogen can have disadvantages, including reduced gains, joint pain, and negative effects on cholesterol and calcium levels.

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals' Arimixyl pills can be used in combination with testosterone and other steroids, and its use should be carefully considered in mass-building cycles.

According to the package insert, anastrozole can be taken between or with meals, as meals have no effect on the absorption of the active ingredient.

Female athletes can also benefit from Arimixyl, particularly when they need the finishing touches shortly before a competition, but pregnancy should be ruled out before use.

The recommended dosage of anastrozole varies depending on the goal, with competitive athletes using 1 mg per day and those on moderate mass treatments using 0.5-1mg every 2-3 days.

Arimixyl Use In Bodybuilding

Athletes use Anastrozole to prevent estrogen-related side effects such as increased fat and water storage.

It is primarily used in combination with testosterone and other moderate to strongly aromatizing steroids.

However, completely eliminating estrogen can have negative effects, such as reduced gains, joint pain, and negative impacts on cholesterol and calcium levels.

A slight inhibition of the aromatase enzyme usually reduces most estrogen-related side effects.

Anyone who wants to use Arimixyl  in post-cycle therapy usually uses 0.5mg per day, as the estrogen level should not be regulated below the norm in this phase, but rather down to the norm in order to ensure that the body's own hormone system recovers as quickly as possible

Dosage And Side Effects

Dosage ranges from 0.5-1mg per day, depending on the goal and type of steroid cycle.

Anastrozole Side effects include:

  • hot flashes,
  • tiredness,
  • headaches,
  • nausea,
  • depression,
  • sleep disorders,
  • worsening of cholesterol levels,
  • disturbances in calcium levels,
  • joint pain,
  • increased liver values.

Female athletes can also benefit from anastrozole, but pregnancy should be ruled out before use.

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals' Arimixyl is an effective aromatase inhibitor that can be used by athletes to reduce estrogen-related side effects and achieve optimal hardness and definition, but its use should be carefully considered due to potential side effects and interactions.

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